Wednesday, December 3, 2008

You know what....I'm starting my own we go:

You're all unworthy

You're all sinners

Women are inferior

Anyone that doesn't believe in my views should die

If you question me you should die

Send my all your money

Oh yeah, it's OK for me to do these things.

Organized religion.......ugh. You have beliefs? Great, why can't you kneel down on sundays in your living room and pray to your god? I don't get it? You need to go to a building to tell someone you're not worthy? I can do that at home every day of the week. It's a form of control. Yeah, there is something out there.....I have no doubt.......oh wait is that faith? Yes, I don't need some "ordained minister" to lead me in that department. I won't even start on evangelist ministers in the past 20 years....OK......pedophiles......meht addicts......etc. The

I'll just stop there.
So I can name my kid Mohamed, but I can't draw a picture of him.......that makes sense. Oh, don't worry I'll make fun of Christians too. Dont' feel like I'm singling you out!

Your're the Same People

I'm assuming that people living in the "fertile crescent" region realize they are of the same ancentry, right? Am I naive? C'mon, you are the same people. WTF? Jews,'re the same people! Oh yeah, Christians, your'e just the red headed step-child, so don't act like you're apart from this mess. Yeah, different tribes, whatever, get over it! Grow up.....if I have a problem with my neighb0r, we'll have issues, but I'm not going to kill them. I don't know...let me know what you think.

You're all pathetic! Try to change my mind......please! I want to hear it!